Gamers spend more time gaming than being physically active.
The average gamer will spend the equivalent of 10 years sat in front of their gaming screens.
Many gamers turn to gaming because of social anxiety.
And let's face it, the gym environment can be intimidating even if you don't suffer with anxiety.

Rank up, the gym for gamers.
We re-create the gaming environment in the form of a gym with the thing they care about...their rank. With every workout a gamers 'rank' will be improved.

Nike Training App
Translate exercise into rank.
Work in partnership with the 5 most popular e-sport games allowing gamers to translate their exercise into points. The more exercises they complete, the more they rank up their physical health and online status.

Levels in their language.
Gamers chose their exercise level based on their fitness level, using the language they are well used to the workout programs will be named accordingly, whether it’s Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond.
Gamer avatars.
We launch a collection of fitness skins designed by Nike. Arming gamers with all they need.

The goal was to get gamers moving, and increase their confidence...
But our big win with this concept, was that it helped land us our job at AKQA London.